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RIAKI は、自身の見た「夢」とその解読をもとに作品を制作しているアーティスト。絵画や版画などの「ビジュアル・イメージ」と、それを絵解きするヒントとなる「言葉」、そして「パフォーマンス」(作中人物は本人)の3つのメディアを用いて1つの作品を構成しているのが彼女の特徴。


2013年 コロンビア大学大学院 ヴィジュアル・アーツ科 修了


2005年 多摩美術大学美術学部 卒業




riakirin at (at を@に変換して下さい)

RIAKI is a Japanese artist who turns her dreams and dream interpretative practice into her art. The notable feature of her work is that she composes three different media --- 'visual image' such as paintings/prints based off her dreams, 'word/text' for the hints to de-cording the visual images, and 'performance' (she performs characters in her works by herself )---.

Her works has been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally, such as Revolution and Sexual Revolution Film Festival in Tokyo, LeRoy Neiman Gallery in New York City, Bakalar & Pine Galleries in Boston, Inside Out Museum in Beijing, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Serbia and so on.

In 2004, she began to keep her dream journal. She started studying Tantric Dream Analysis in 2005 under Yoshihiro Kato who was the founder of Tantric Dream School. In 2009, she moved to New York. She received her MFA from Columbia University School of the Arts in 2013. She lived and worked in New York City over a decade, then relocated to Japan after the pandemic. Currently, she lives and works in Japan. In addition to visual arts, she is getting into writing her 'dream' novels and 'New York Art School Diaries' which is her naked report of her international student life in M.F.A program in the U.S.

Contact/Inquiry/Job Request

Studio Dream Ship

riakirin at (at →@) 


2020  DRAWN/Concept and Craft , SECCA (Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art), NC

2019   Wild, Wild Earth, New York Live Arts, New York City

          Multiversant, Chashama 340 E64th St, New York City

2018   DRAW/SERBIA, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Serbia

2017   DRAW BOSTON, MassArt Bakalar & Pine Galleries, Boston, Massachusetts

2015   Come Together, Leroy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York City

2014    DRAW -Mapping Madness-, Inside-Out Museum, Beijing, China

            United Against Speculation, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York City

            Portrait Show, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York City

            Comics at Columbia, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Butler Library, Columbia University, New York City


2013    M.F.A Thesis Exhibition, Fisher Landau Center For Art, Long Island City, New York City

            Magical Thinking, 200 Livingston st. Brooklyn, New York City 

            Live Archive, The Crucible building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvinia


2012    M.F.A First Year Show, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Gallery, Columbia University, New York City 

            All You Need Is Dynamite, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York City


2010    Flea Market, M55 Gallery, Long Island City, New York





Solo Performance (ソロ・パフォーマンス)

2014    A school girl attached penis, at Shrine, New York City

2012    A Girl From The Tale of Riaki, at Graphic Novel Class, Columbia University, New YorkCity

            Fetish Doll Performance - Lolita, at Open Studio, Columbia University, New York City

            Fetish Doll Performance - Japanese School Girl, at the opening of All You Need Is Dynamite, LeRoy Neiman Gallery,

                                                                                          Columbia University, New York City


Ensemble Performance (as a member of Zero Dimension Tantric Dream Women Corps)(ゼロ次元夢タントラ女性軍団のパフォーマーとして)

2010   White Hare of Inaba, Wrong Gallery, Long Island City


2009   Incidents of Fetish Village, Super Deluxe, Tokyo,Japan

           White Hare of Inaba, Hatudai Contemporary Music Festival, The Doors, Tokyo,Japan

           Guerrilla Performance, Ginza Street, Tokyo,Japan

           Incident of Fetish Village, Sekigahara War Land, Gifu, Japan 


2008    Incident of Fetish Village, Goshiki-en, Nagoya, Japan

            Guerrilla Performance, Õsu festival, Nagoya, Japan 

            Dream in Thailand, Ayutthaya, Thailand



2013 M.F.A., Columbia University School of the Arts, New York City  

2005 B.F.A.,  Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan


Press/ Media


2020   Sakura Paper Vol.5, Special Issue, Zero Jigen - Yoshihiro Kato -

           An essay ’The Extremely Personal Media Revolution’ p. 10 - p.13

2015    DRAW mapping maddness, exhibition catalog p.82-p.83


2014    Apogee Issue 3, 'An incident of Fetish Village' 'The girls attached Penis' p.72 - p73


2013    M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition Catalog, Columbia University School of Visual Arts, p.18 - p.19


2010    Art Terrorism and Shamanism, an essay 'For the art terrorism and shamanism' p.91 - p.97


2009    BijyutuTecho,vol.61, NO.918 'Where is India?' p.109

            Talking Heads Series, NO.38,'The new world and ghost' Nobuo Shiga,p. 172 -p.173

                                                            'Zero Jigen,restart!' Tougo Fujisaki,Kouichi Iida,p.174-p.177

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